
The things I design, the information I architect, and the experiences I create.

Note: this page is under construction, so bare with me during this time!

Learning paths

Learning paths on

A large push at Red Hat and throughout the industry is the idea of upskilling a user and helping them to learn what our products do, how to use them, and how to advance their knowledge and build on their existing knowledge.

Learning paths are a new content being used across various platforms at Red Hat to progressively disclose learning information to users. I was a major player in concepting, early platform adoption, and ongoing iteration of learning paths

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Information architecture

IA design example

Designing a good experience isn’t just about designing for what is on a given page in a vacuum. I like to zoom out when I design and think about how a given flow, feature, or interaction works as part of a large system of information. During my time on, I worked closely with content and PM to understand how pages on the site feed into navigation and general information architecture.

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More projects to come!